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Hello World

The timingsrc scripts are available from GitHub.


  • include timingsrc script
  • create Timing Object in Web page.
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script src="https://webtiming.github.io/timingsrc/lib/timingsrc-v2.js" text="javascript"></script>
  <script text="javascript">
    var to = new TIMINGSRC.TimingObject();
    console.log("hello world!", to.query())


  • include script for online motion provided by Motion Corporation.
  • connect local timing object to online motion.
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script src="https://webtiming.github.io/timingsrc/lib/timingsrc-v2.js" text="javascript"></script>
  <script src="https://www.mcorp.no/lib/mcorp-2.0.js" text="javascript"></script>
  <script text="javascript">
    // create local timing object 
    to = new TIMINGSRC.TimingObject();
    // connect timing object to online motion
    var mcorp_app = MCorp.app("..mcorp_app_id_goes_here..", {anon:true});
    	to.timingsrc = mcorp_app.motions["..name_of_motion_goes_here.."];
    console.log("Hello World!", to.query())